
Cleaning the gutters? Thorough explanation from method to precautions

Have you ever cleaned the gutters in front of your house? Cleaning the gutters seems to differ depending on where the gutters are, such as when you have to clean them individually or when you have them cleaned at a government office. This time, we will explain in detail information about gutter cleaning such as gutter cleaning methods and precautions, so please refer to it.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Gutter cleaning is also called "Dobusarai"

The gutter is installed in front of the house, but many people who live in a detached house have never cleaned it. However, if you do not clean the gutters, it may cause various troubles. Here, we will introduce the troubles that are likely to occur because the gutters have not been cleaned.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Roads are flooded during typhoons and heavy rains

A gutter is a ditch provided on a sidewalk or roadway to drain water that has accumulated on the road surface. The water collected in the ditch flows through the catchment basin to the sewer pipe.

Garbage, mud, and dead leaves tend to collect in the gutters, and if left unattended, the road surface cannot be drained properly, and the road may be flooded in the event of a typhoon or heavy rain.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Causes odors and pests

In addition, if the dust collected in the gutter becomes heddle, not only will it cause damage to pests such as wrigglers, but it will also give off a foul odor and may lead to troubles in the neighborhood.

Regularly clean the gutters to prevent problems such as flooding, stinks, and pest damage.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Who should clean the gutters

It seems that some local governments regularly clean the gutters, but many are left to the discretion of the individual. Another problem is that it is difficult to determine who should clean everywhere. Here, let's check who should do the gutter cleaning.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough


As I explained earlier, gutter cleaning varies from region to region, such as when it is done regularly by local governments or when it is done by residents' associations in municipalities. Basically, it seems that many volunteers participate, but some local governments impose penalties on those who do not participate in order to avoid troubles such as those who participate every time and those who do not participate at all.

It's a good idea to check if the area you live in is involved in local governments or neighborhood associations or if you are cleaning it personally.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough


If the gutter cleaning is not involved by the local government or residents' association, it must be done individually. In the past, even in areas where local governments and residents' associations took the initiative, it seems that many people have stopped doing regular activities due to an increase in the number of elderly people and a decrease in the participation rate.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Government office

There are private roads and public roads, and while private roads generally have owners, public roads are owned by the national government, prefectures, and municipalities. Since the gutter is a part of the road, if it is a gutter on a public road, the government office may clean it if you contact us, so it is a good idea to consult with us.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

How often do you clean the gutters?

So how often should you clean the gutters? Here, let's look at the frequency of gutter cleaning.

Garbage, mud, and dead leaves collect in the gutters installed outdoors. If left unattended, it may cause flooding of the road, odor and pest damage, so it is recommended to clean it once every six months to two years.

How to clean gutters

So far, what happens if you don't clean the gutters! I've explained who does it and how often. From here, let's see how to clean the gutters.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Remove the gutter lid

First, you need to remove the lid. Gutter lids vary in weight and size. Even relatively light items weigh 15 kg, and heavy items weigh more than 60 kg, so care must be taken when handling them.

If the lid is too heavy to lift, there is a tool to open the lid, so it is a good idea to use such a tool.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Removes dirt and debris

After removing the lid, remove the mud, dust, dead leaves, etc. that have accumulated inside with a broom or shovel, and pack it in a bag. Then, wash away any dirt on the bottom or sides of the lid or gutter with water. At this time, if you have a high pressure washer, you can clean efficiently.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Dispose of garbage

Here, let's check how to dispose of garbage. Waste such as hedro must be properly disposed of.

The treatment method differs depending on the area where you live, so please check with the local government before cleaning before sorting. Even if it is mud, if you throw it away, it will be illegally dumped, so be careful.

Cleaning the gutters? Thorough

Precautions when cleaning gutters

From here, let's take a look at the points to note when cleaning the gutters. In the gutter, pests such as "Aedes", "Crane fly", "Centipede" and "Crane fly" are breeding.

Of these, the one that I would like to pay particular attention to is the "Secagoke spider." Sekagoke spider has a strong poison and causes severe pain when bitten, as well as "vomiting", "fever" and "dyspnea". Children and the elderly may become seriously ill, so be careful when cleaning.

Tools useful for cleaning gutters

So far, I've checked the gutter cleaning methods and precautions. From here, we will introduce useful tools that are useful for cleaning gutters.

High-pressure washing machin

A "high pressure washer" is useful for cleaning the sides, bottom, and lid after removing dead leaves, dust, and mud that have accumulated in the gutters. If you have a high pressure washer, it will clean the sticky dirt.

Planter for draining mud

The "planter" is useful for draining mud that contains water. You can reduce the weight of dust by putting mud scraped from the gutters in the planter, draining it, and then drying it.

Planters can be purchased at 100-yen stores or home improvement stores, so choose a size that is easy to use.

A tool to open the gutter lid

When cleaning the gutters, the most difficult task is to remove the gutter lid. That's where the "tool to lift the gutter lid" comes into play. With that tool, you can lift the lid while standing, reducing the burden of hard work on your own. Also, if two people use it, the work will be easier.

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